Stop testing your APIs with chrome!

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Stop testing your APIs with chrome!

As a Backend Developer do you test your APIs with just chrome? okay let me tell you something I would do to get details from body when I just started Backend Development, I normally use an input box from HTML to get JSON objects from the client. Sounds funny right?

That was really stressful as a beginner who didn't know there were tools I could use to test easily. tools like cURL, Postman, Testim, chrome extensions and others but we'll be using Postman to explain basic API methods like GET and POST here.

How to send GET or POST requests

ParamsA Query parameter should contain key and value
Authorization HeaderAn Authorization header should contain type and token or secret key
HeaderA Header can be self defined it should contain Key and Value too
BodyA body can be sent in different formats but JSON is one of the most used formats

All these mentioned above are mostly what you may be needing when interacting with APIs and Postman supports them.

Example using params in GET

params in get.jpg

Example using Authorization in GET, here I used Bearer token type

Authorization in get.jpg

Example using Header in GET, i used a customized key that i named x-api-key

Header in get.jpg

Example using params in POST

params in post.jpg

Example using Authorization Header in POST, here I used Bearer token type

Authorization in post.jpg

Example using Header in POST, i used a customized key that i named x-api-key

Header in post.jpg

Example using Body in POST.

Body in Post.jpg

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